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Redes 0.1.0

by Grupo gvSIG last modified 2010-10-29 15:33

To access the stops manager first ensure that a network topology is loaded and then select Network|Manage stops from the menu bar.


The Manage Stops option on the Network menu

This opens a window where the following options are available:

  • Load stops: Load a points layer to use as stops along a route.
  • Save stops: Save the route's stops.
  • Save route: Save the route that has been generated.
  • Centre on flag: Centres the view on the flag representing the selected stop.
  • Set speeds: Set speeds for the different types of network segments.
  • Cost field: Shows the cost of traversing the route. The cost values depend on the units selected when generating the topology.
  • Enable and disable: Determine which stops to use for calculating the route.
  • Altering the order of the stops: This modifies the original route.
  • Tolerance: The maximum distance from a node or arc for placement of a stop (in map units).
  • Order stops: Reorder the stops to produce a route with a lower cost.
  • Return to origin: Calculate a route back to the point of origin.

Control Panel showing stops and various control options

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